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Meet Your Instructors


Shanine Young

Empowerment Speaker - Educator - Author - Podcaster

Founder of Reaching While Teaching

"Reaching People While Teaching Them How To Live Their Best Life"

What if you could limit the unnecessary stress associated with the self-publishing process? Wouldn't it benefit you if you had all the vital resources for a successful book launch at your fingertips? I love empowering, teaching, and helping people reach their goals. In this self-paced course, I will teach you everything you need to know about the self-publishing process and how to market and promote your book.

Marketing Instructor

Digital Marketing 


Darren Thomas

Digital Marketer

Founder/Owner of DT Enterprise

"Marketing That Brings Your Business Growth"

Are you familiar with Facebook ads? Have you ever felt like you wasted money on an ad campaign or didn't get the results you expected? In this presentation, I will give you the tools necessary to strategically plan your ads campaign. We will discuss the importance of understanding your target audience and the importance of using Facebook pixel. This presentation will include tutorials and will cover several strategies to assist you with your book marketing campaign and ways to increase book sales

Are You Ready For a Successful Book Launch?

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